A Film Company that is geared towards business owners, artist and brands. Creating original and great content for those who are in need of visual marketing. It was started by owner Ben Lee Foster ,Filmmaker and Visionary.

#1 Visual Video Plug!

Our company FosterTheVision covers many areas such as Films, Music Videos and Commercial Branding. If you are looking to bring your companies content and cliental to another level, let us help you build that vision.

  • 1. Envision

    - Before filming a project It’s important to script out every shot that’s important & highlight key points of what’s going to be executed

    - Planning out how much equipment use there is and knowing what type of gear you will be using for the film.

    - You need to envision past post-production and know how the video will turn out before filming the project which optimizes film speed.

  • 2. Execute

    - Angle positioning & lighting is what makes the filming stand out & look amazing.

    - I direct the client where they need to be and hand them the script so it optimizes filming and understanding the concept of the project.

    - Cinema Grade Filming 

  • 3. Delivery

    - If done properly the Post-Production process will take 7 days to be delivered after filming the project.

    - Color-Grading to paint a story with color temperature to give sentimental or business feel to your project.

    - Composition is very important when finished filming the project, it creates continuity and direction to where your film will be headed.

    - Editing is one of the most important facets when constructing a project.